Are you a mental health professional curious about child development or play therapy?
Are you in an educational setting and find yourself looking for more tools to manage classroom disruptions? Do you want a refreshers on developmental norms?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I can help.
My fee for consultations is $140 for 50 minutes.
Speaking Engagements
Does your organization need additional information around child development, parenting strategies. or play therapy? I am available for training and speaking engagements in the before outlined areas. Speaking engagements are $120 per hour.
Curious about scheduling?
Email Brittany at brittany@playfulheartscounseling.com with subject line “Consultation” or “Speaking Egagements”
As a Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor, I am available for supervison for licensure. Supervision rates are $120 per hour.